Location : Arusha, Tanzania
Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.
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    Working Hours : Mon-Sun, 08:00am-4:30pm
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    Who we are?

    Arid Lands Resources Initiative (ALARI) is a civil society organisation (CSO), registered in Tanzania under the Ministry of Health and Social Services. ALARI is a non-profit, non-sectarian rights based development organization.

    What We do?

    We facilitate use of indigenous knowledge, innovation and technology in transforming livelihoods of people in arid areas for effective and meaningful development for all.

    Helping is the great virtue for human

    To facilitate use of technology and innovation in transforming livelihoods of people in arid areas for effective and meaningful development for all.

    The vision of ALARI is shaping the present and future development of people in arid lands through good resource governance, innovation and technology.

    ALARI developed a set of core values and principles that provide guidance to its core programme. These core values centre around five principles which are: worth of human dignity; social justice; secure ownership of primary productive resources, enhancing people’s capabilities and their choices; promoting safeguarding human rights; integrity, inclusion and managing change.

    Our Organizational Structure

    ALARI was registered in 2019 in Tanzania as a civil society organisation. The founding members constitute the Annual General Meeting (AGM), which serves as the organ mandated to be the ultimate voice of the organisation. This organ is the overall body that ensures that the reason for establishment of the organisation is the sole reason for its existence, operations and impact at all levels. Reporting to AGM is the Board of Directors elected by the AGM and mandated to provide oversight.

    The board formulates policies, provides direction, approves strategic plans, annual operational plans and budgets, and it appoints and supervises the Executive Director. The Executive Director is under the Board and is the Chief Executive of the organization. She/he oversees all personnel working in ALARI and ensures that policies, programmes and resources are managed as provided for by all legal, governance and programmatic documents, principles and procedures. The Programme Manager and the Financial Manager both report to the Executive Director.

    The Executive Director, Projects Manager and Financial Manager, together with heads of programmes form the Management Team which is tasked with managing the organisation and all its programmes. At the village level, there are village development committees which co-ordinate and supervise specific village activities, and liaison with the management of ALARI.

    Working for Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods

    ALARI work is guided by a set of values which include: the principle of non-racial, non-sectarian, solidarity with the marginalised, complementarity with other development and addressing the underlying causes of poverty and deprivation.

    While working with the poor, ALARI believes that its role is that of a steward entrusted resources for the development of the poor. In playing such a role, ALARI supports the struggle of the poor and rekindles their hope for a better life.

    Being sensitive to the hopes and fears of the pastoral communities, ALARI uses participatory methodologies in involving local communities in setting their own development priorities. ALARI uses the bottom-up approach and encourages communities to own both the process as well as the product of social development.