Location : Arusha, Tanzania
Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.
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    Gender Equity and Women Empowerment

    1. Operating Context ALARI works with target communities which are pastoralist in which gender inequality is institutionalised. Ownership, access and control over resources are all organised around social institutions which are gendered. Age set, clan and territorial sections have strict hierarchical principles and practices that regulate access, ownership and rights over resources as well as leadership positions. The target socieities have strong cultural practices which favour men and the status of women is defined as associated of men i.e. wives, mothers, sisters and daughters. ALARI Gender and women development programme was designed to strategically engage both women and men fully in development processes; trans-forming such instituions and creating a society in gender equity plays a central role.
    2. Strategic Objective to improve working and living conditions of women, enhancing their status while empowering women politically, economically, socially, legally and psychologically

    3. Strategic Areas of Intervention
    • to reduce income related poverty among the pastoral Maasai Women
    • to reduce non-income and income poverty
    • to increase women’s Self-confidence, provide them with skills and enhance their income opportunities
    • to enhance household food security
    • to transform gender relations and enhance equity
    • to develop gender aware approaches to the ownership and management of natural resources and other resource rights
    • to reduce gender strereo-typing and bring about positive attitude changes among the pastoralist in gurantee equity. 
    4. Action Items
    • To raise awareness of women among the pastoralists to know the difference between sex and gender 
    • To address practical and strategic gender needs
    • To reduce income related poverty
    • To reduce non-income poverty among women
    • To networks build women self-confidence reduce gender stereotyping
    • To establish knowledge networks
    • To organize women into small economic groups
    5. Measures to define success ( How Would Gender Equity and Women Empowerment Look Like?)
    • access to new knowledge, evident and innovative solutions
    • existence and functioning of platforms that promote knowledge and enhance qender equity
    • reduced levels of income and non-income poverty
    • reduced workload for women
    • enhanced household food security
    • level of access and ownership of resources, leadership positions and increased income
    • level of reduction in gender based violance
    6. Outcomes
    Outcome 1: Reduced women workloads
    Outcome 2:Improved living conditions for women
    Outcome 3: Increased number of women participating and occupying leadership positions
    Outcome 4:level of women’s access to justice in cases where rights are violated or denied.
    Outcome 5:Increased number of women owning resources both natural and financial.
    Outcome 6:Reduced gender stereotyping
    Outcome 7:Improved Quality of life